SHAPING LIFE: Innovative pathways for a healthy lifestyle in adult education


Shaping Life: Innovative pathways for a healthy lifestyle in adult education

Project Number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000033794
Duration: February 2022 - January 2024
Funded by: Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union - KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education  

Coordinator: GAMMA Institute (Romania)




The main aim of the project "Shaping Life: Innovative pathways for a healthy lifestyle in adult education" was to educate adults from different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, in order to achieve psychological life skills to develop and implement a healthy lifestyle, even in difficult conditions, as pandemic context and post-crisis period.

The objectives of the project were the following:

O1. Increasing the development of a healthy lifestyle of 900 adults through an innovative methodology of active involvement, peer-learning, and support groups.
O2. Increasing the capacity of 45 adult educator to help their target group in implementation of a healthy lifestyle 
O3. Capacity building for 5 European organisations from Romania, Italy, Spain and Portugal, in the adult education field.

Activities of the project:

  • Project management and implementation 
  • 5 Initial launching events 
  • 4 Transnational meetings  
  • “Shaping Life” Product results: Adult Educator’s Manual and Healthy Lifestyle Intervention Program  
  • Development of the website 
  • Staff training, to develop their skills to apply the methodology in daily activities with adults 
  • 5 Multiplier events

Results of the project:


  • AICSCC - Gamma Institute - Iași, Romania
  • Aspaym Castilla y Leon - Valladolid, Spain
  • CEIPES - Palermo, Italy
  • Doxamus - Iași, Romania
  • Rosto Solidario - Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal

